Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use Oil based Perfume with roll-on application?

PurpleSoul provides a complete set of uses, cautions, and benefits with each of its products, the directions, application, and result may vary basis your skin type and reaction.

What is a patch test? Why is it needed before applying the perfume of my choice? How do I do it?

Before using oil based perfume/essential oil for the first time, skin patch testing is often recommended as a method of determining if you have an existing sensitivity/irritation to the natural constituents present in particular perfume or essential oil. Knowing if you have an existing sensitivity or irritation to oil may be helpful before using the perfume or essential oil topically. To do a skin patch test, simply take a small amount of diluted perfume or essential oil and apply it to your inner elbow. Apply a band-aid over the oil. Then, wait for a reaction such as irritation, itchiness, redness, inflammation, etc. If a reaction occurs, remove the band-aid, wash the oil off, and apply a carrier oil over the area. The optimal time to wait is 48 hours. If no reaction occurs within this time, it is assumed that you may not have a sensitivity or allergy to that perfume or oil and that it is safe to use.

What if I experience skin discomfort or irritation?

If you feel burning, redness, or itching or any other discomfort in the area where you’ve applied any perfume/essential oil or blend, wash your skin with soap and water and apply a carrier oil on the affected area. If you’ve had a negative reaction from that particular oil or blend, it would be best to use it very cautiously. Drink adequate water to encourage the release and removal of toxins in your body. Before using the perfume/essential oil again, perform a patch test (see above under “What is a “patch test?”) and dilute with regular oil as needed.

I experienced certain allergies in using one of the essential oils. What should I do?

Effects of allergy due to topical (on skin) application like irritation and inflammation can last for longer durations as compared to those of skin irritation. Apply carrier oils on affected regions to lessen the effects. If the effects are prolonged, medical help should be sought.If you suffer from an allergic reaction due to inhalation, turn off the diffuser and increase ventilation in your area. If symptoms persist, immediately consult your family physician.

Can I use perfume or essential oils on children?

Children below 5 years, should not use any perfume/oils which are made for adults due to its concentration. Therefor, avoid using it for children below 5 years of age.